Why it’s important for an organisation’s roles to be inclusive.
In the seventh episode of our video series that gives voice to member perspectives on our new Te Tiriti-led rules, Te Awatea Ward and Laura Quin discuss why it’s important for an organisation’s roles to be inclusive.
For Laura, it’s about “representing our full membership. And within our membership there will always be the people who perhaps don’t have the space or the time or the capacity to speak up. We need to have everybody represented. That doesn’t necessarily mean everyone being on a branch committee, it’s not about forcing people who are already busy to step up and do that, but we need to change our rules so that there is provision for those voices to be heard.”
Te Awatea says “the aim is to include, not exclude. Coming into the future, we don’t want to exclude anybody. We need everybody. We need all sorts of people, shapes, sizes, ethnicity, beliefs, cultures because that’s what makes our world dynamic and vibrant, and a very exciting and wonderful place to live in.”
“So we need to include and make space for people to join and be part of.”