The TEU has a network of branch women’s representatives, a National Women’s Committee, and a paid National Women’s Officer, Te Pou Whirinaki, role to support these. Together we plan and run campaigns and events to encourage and support women’s participation as well as to address persistent gender inequalities within the tertiary education sector and more broadly.
Get in touch with Te Pou Whirinaki, the National Women’s Officer at

Te Kahurangi Māreikura, the National Women’s Committee
Te Kahurangi Māreikura, the National Women’s Committee, provides advice to the TEU Council and annual conference on issues of significance and/or concern to women, organises women members at national and local level, ensures that the union is representing the interests of women members in both professional and industrial spheres, and conducts national and local events for women members of the union.
Public agencies and NGOs working for women and gender equity
Find information and resources provided by public agencies and NGOs for empowering women and progressing gender equity.
Organising with other union women’s networks
Get organising with union women's networks across Aotearoa and beyond.
Organising with women’s networks in your institution
Get organising with existing women's networks in your institution.
Organising an event for women members
Here are some tools and tips for organising events within your institution.
Making a submission
A submission is your chance to present your opinions, observations, and recommendations on a matter being considered by a decision-making body.