The Gender Equity Vision
Our Gender Equity Vision guides Te Hautū Kahurangi | New Zealand Tertiary Education Union in its mahi to advance gender equality and the empowerment of all wāhine within our union, tertiary education institutions, and society.
‘Wāhine’ is used in our vision to be inclusive of women of all abilities, ages, ethnicities, sexuality and identities including wāhine irawhiti and trans women.
The approach
This vision statement will guide the full range of work undertaken by TEU in bringing positive change in our institutions, communities, economy, and international societies.
This vision statement will guide us in shaping equitable structures, policies, decision-making, communications, campaigns, industrial work and day-to-day activities.
Te Koeke Tiriti is used to guide the union’s behaviours and work towards gender equality and the empowerment of wāhine.
Gender equality and empowerment of all wāhine.
Gender equality is a fundamental human right. We will take actions to advance gender equality outcomes and the empowerment of wāhine in Te Hautū Kahurangi | NZ Tertiary Education Union, the tertiary education sector, and society, recognising at all times this is integral to tō tātou uniana, tō mātou whakakitenga, the vision of our union.
Living Te Tiriti
We call attention to the mana of wāhine Māori. We will enhance our relationships with and the position of wāhine Māori reflecting our collective commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Working together, wāhine Māori and wāhine Pākehā will exercise their rights and responsibilities as kaitiaki and rangatira of Aotearoa.
We celebrate the richness and diversity of wāhine. We will listen to and learn from each other giving consideration to the diverse values held by wāhine. We will work to ensure that no wahine is left behind by pursuing equitable remedies so that all have what they need to be successful. We will act with generosity and kindness in our work to achieve gender equality.

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All strategies and plans developed for our union and the sector recognise Te Tiriti o Waitangi, progress the aspirations of wāhine māori and promote gender equality for all wāhine.
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Wāhine are thriving in safe and healthy workplaces. Wāhine have workloads that enable them to live full lives that they value and they are free from all forms of harassment, discrimination and violence.
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Wāhine are able to participate in our union, tertiary education institutions and society on their terms through the valuing of different leadership styles; the creation of workspaces wāhine feel comfortable in; and the facilitation of working patterns that fit with the varied lives of wāhine.
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Wāhine are promoted, and have access to the full range of economic, social and political leadership positions at all levels of our union, tertiary education institutions, and society.
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The paid and unpaid mahi of wāhine is valued and the increased burden of care that many wāhine face is recognised; wāhine are paid equitably and fairly, and gender pay gaps are eliminated.
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Wāhine are visible, their voices influence collective decision-making, and they contribute freely to fostering ahikā and supporting tūrangawaewae, a place where each wahine has the right to stand and belong.
Three actions you can take right now
- 1.
Print off the Gender Equity Vision statement and take it to your next HR/VC meeting. Talk through the gender equity areas you would like to work together with them on.
- 2.
Print off some colour copies of the Gender Equity Vision statement and leave them on some coffee tables near you. Attach your business card or a TEU calling card with your name on it so colleagues will know who to contact about gender equity issues.
- 3.
Use the Gender Equity Vision statement alongside Te Koeke Tiriti to help guide your review of a change process within your organisation.