Model claims for gender equity.

On this page there are a number of claims which can be considered for negotiation by branches for local negotiation. Some of these claims reflect innovative practice, such as the employer continuing to pay Kiwisaver/superannuation payments when a staff member is on parental leave; others seek improvements to existing provisions. Many of these claims will benefit men as well as women but also seek to progress gender equality.

Each claim is set out as a guide with background information, sample wording, key negotiation points and relevant documents. They are intended to be used by a range of people, for example, by branch women’s representatives, who may like to use the claim as an opportunity to get women colleagues involved in discussion and promotion of the claim at negotiations.

This is an evolving section of the Toolkit and we plan to add more clauses as they are developed.

Payment of superannuation while on parental leave

This claim provides that an employer will continue to pay the employer superannuation/ KiwiSaver contribution while an employee is on parental leave.

Salary sacrifice for early childhood education

This claim seeks agreement by the employer to establish an arrangement whereby employees who have children in an early childhood education centre/crèche that is owned by the tertiary institution may voluntarily reduce their gross salary by the cost of that childcare. This process is referred to as Salary Sacrificing.

This means that the cost of the childcare is not subject to PAYE, saving the staff member a significant amount of money. Specific examples have been advised of savings of $170 per week and more.

Student loan contribution in lieu of superannuation

This claim provides an alternative for the employer contribution to a superannuation scheme. It provides for an equivalent superannuation payment to be made to an employee’s existing student loan, where an employee has not taken up a superannuation option.

It is recommended that this be negotiated as a member-only benefit.

Review of Institutional Sexual Harassment Policies

Sexual Harassment and gender-based violence is a persistent, serious workplace issue that affects an individual’s life and career potential, and the lives of their whanau. Women are disproportionately the victims of sexual harassment in the workplace. This claim is a first step in ensuring institutions are taking responsibility for providing a safe and healthy workplace for all their staff. It puts the responsibility of adequate prevention and treatment of sexual harassment complaints on to the institution. It asks for the institution to review current sexual harassment policies, procedures and statements of intent, in collaboration with TEU, Te Hautū Kahurangi, to ensure they are ‘fit for purpose in the new millennium’.

Tip: For TEU members wishing to have these claims considered as part of local branch claims, please first discuss these with your Organiser, Branch President and Branch Committee. They can then form part of the normal claims development process at your branch which members will vote on prior to negotiations.
