Work based learning changes.
Feb. 5, 2025
Last week the Ministry of Education released a “targeted consultation” on ‘2025 Work-based learning reforms’.
The consultation document outlines two options which relate to the future arrangements for apprenticeships and traineeships, and explicitly targets submissions from industry training representatives.
Workforce Development Councils will be replaced by new Industry Skills Boards (ISBs), which will retain the core functions of WDCs. Two possible models have been floated.
The first proposes that work-based learning divisions in Te Pūkenga would become separate transitional entities before becoming separate providers with industry or other private ownership.
The other option is for a “collaborative” approach where all apprenticeships and traineeships would involve both a provider to manage the education of the learner, and an ISB to provide pastoral care. Work-based learning divisions of Te Pūkenga would move into the ITPs that are established out of Te Pūkenga, or a PTE or wānanga.
There will be no additional funding available, irrespective of which option is supported.
The government is only inviting “specific stakeholders – mainly organisations and associations that represent key industries and sectors that use work-based learning – are being invited to take part.” However this should not stop us and our members from participating. The government might not want to hear what you’ve got to say but please tell them anyway! You can email your submission to this address.
Submissions close on Friday 21 February, with decisions expected in April 2025.