Why I’m striking on Thursday.

Hau Taki Haere | Tertiary Update Vol 29, No 3

Why I’m striking

Te Hautū Kahurangi | Tertiary Education Union announced yesterday that as many as 1,600 members at Waipapa Taumata Rau | The University of Auckland will strike for four hours this Thursday, in frustration at their employer’s refusal to value staff.

After a whopping 29 negotiation meetings, the employer has refused to meaningfully negotiate on our key claims – the Living Wage for all our members, fair pay progression for non-academic staff, and a fair across-the-board pay rise.

A member of the union negotiation team, Dr Sean Sturm, an Associate Professor in Te Kura o te Kōtuinga Akoranga Mātauranga | the School of Critical Studies in Education says he’s striking for his lowest paid colleagues – many of whom are students.

“When I looked around the university today on Clubs Day, with all the new students learning their way around campus and trying to find their lectures, I really felt for casual staff at the university, especially those in the student hubs fielding all kinds of urgent inquiries from anxious students, many of whom are students themselves.”

“They really are the front line for the university. But these colleagues are currently being denied the equivalent of a living wage. We’ve been told that they are “only students,” not breadwinners in their whānau, it’s their first job, etc., etc.”

“I just don’t buy that – and it’s a bit rich coming from those on huge executive salaries. These colleagues have really been hit hard by the cost of living crisis. Management needs to do better by them.”

The strike, the third at University of Auckland since September last year, will run from 10:30am until 2:30pm with members rallying together at the back of the Clock Tower for the first half hour.

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