Welcome to Tertiary Update 2022.

Hau Taki Haere | Tertiary Update Vol 26, No 1

By Matua Hōne Sadler and Taua Roimata Kirikiri

Nau mai, piki mai, hoki mai rā. Ko te tūmanako, ko okioki, ko unuhia ngā pīkaunga o te tau tawhito. E kite ana i ‘te tetē o ngā niho’ i te kaikā o te wairua, te hinengaro me te tinana ki ngā wero kei mua i te aroaro hei tīmata i te hīkoi roa mō te tau hou.  Nō reira, tēnā rā tātou katoa.

Greetings and welcome back. The hope is that you are well rested, and the tasks of the past year have been successfully unloaded. It is obvious that you are ‘chomping at the bit’ with eagerness of spirit, mind, and body to confront the immediate challenges that will begin your journey into the new year. Therefore, greetings to us all.

Also in this update:

Other stories:

  • It’s big, so plan! – TEU
  • Students likely Omicron vector: experts – ODT
  • A unified funding system (vocational education and training) – TEC
  • Annual inflation hits a three-decade high at 5.9 percent – Stats NZ