Tina Smith on HealthCarePlus.
April 12, 2022
As a registered nurse as well as TEU president, one of the benefits of TEU membership I’m most proud of is access to HealthCarePlus.
HealthCarePlus in owned by unions for union members, so it’s primary goal is to keep you well, not to make money from you.
I’m really impressed that the cover provided includes a holistic approach to health care, and incorporates preventative care, such as mole mapping and vaccinations, dietitian and nutritionist consultations, to name just some, as well as all the usual health care services such as medical, physiotherapy and tests.
There is a range of options and levels of cover, including an ‘associate membership’, which costs you nothing, and gives you access to useful planning tools, information, discounted services and even financial and legal wellbeing needs like help with preparing a will.
The range of healthcare plans available range from basic to fully comprehensive care, covering primary care, such as GP visits, dental check-ups and treatment, optical cover right through to full surgery cover. These plans can be complimentary to other health insurance you might have, such as covering some of the primary care costs, and pre-existing conditions can be covered after a stand down period.
And while other health insurance can become less affordable the older you get, HealthCarePlus charges you the same premium between the ages of 66 and 99, making healthcare affordable when you are likely to need it most. If you join as a TEU member, you can retain your cover even if you leave or retire.
As a TEU member your health and wellbeing is important, so take a few minutes and check out their website to see what they have to offer.