Tiakina te Taiao – Taking action.

Tiakina te Taiao | TEU’s Climate Action Network, has been active since its inception, building relationships with other climate- and education-based groups, challenging TEC to provide greater leadership and visibility regarding the contribution the tertiary sector makes to climate solutions, contributing to the Equitable Transition Strategy and making submissions at institution and National levels, such as to the Emissions Reduction Plan.

Recently, network members supported students at the School Strike 4 Climate protests (26 May) and contributed to a TEU submission to the Climate Change Commission’s second draft package of advice to the Government. The submission was supported by a template for individuals to reiterate and highlight the need for greater visibility on the contribution the tertiary sector makes to the information and solutions needed to face climate related challenges.

Our messages have been clear. There needs to be greater investment in the tertiary sector to achieve climate solutions. Research has indicated that a strong, tertiary sector is an essential ‘social tipping intervention’ in the endeavour to address climate change. Yet climate policy fails to recognise the crucial role of tertiary education. Adequate funding is essential to support research, science, innovation and the creation of the necessary knowledge and skills required to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Tiakina te Taiao is currently seeking expressions of interest for Tiakina te Taiao Committee Reps.

The goal is to have Tiakina te Taiao positions on each branch committee who will:

  • act as a central point of contact for Tiakina te Taiao members at your branch
  • liaise with the Branch President and committee regarding branch-specific climate-related issues and actions
  • expand the TEU and Tiakina te Taiao membership by building relationships and contributing to recruitment at your branch

If you are interested in these roles you can get more information or register your interest by emailing us. Or to be a member of the network, recieve a 2 monthly newsletter, and get information on meetings, speakers, and resources, join us by clicking ‘join’ on our network page.