Positive action to address climate change.
Aug. 30, 2022
TEU is taking action to create positive change for the planet and workers.
Last week members of the Tiakina te Taiao |Climate Action Network met with the Tertiary Education Commission to discuss having an overarching strategy to ensure the tertiary sector contributes to carbon reduction, a more sustainable future and the wellbeing of future generations.
Action and innovation is occurring across the tertiary sector to address climate change, with some institutions working to achieve carbon net neutrality by 2030 and most institutions, including the Te Pūkenga network, having plans to address sustainability.
Actions by individual institutions are heartening, but network members told the TEC that an overarching strategy could provide the comprehensive possibilities for our sector, from embedding the principles, values, and practices of sustainability into all programme, to supporting research, to ensuring policy and process that empower and ensure the engagement of staff and students as well as all those practices that impact on the carbon footprint of our sector.
Other actions taken by TEU are already showing their importance and impact. For example, last year a TEU branch was successful in negotiating a new clause for their collective agreement that not only acknowledged the significance of climate change and gained a commitment for action in the workplace but it also provided for support of staff affected by the effects of climate change such as flood damage to a home or property and a provision for special leave. While a beginning step, this clause is an example of positive action that uses the power of the collective agreement to improve lives for current and future members.
To be part of this action join the Tiakina te Taiao network by clicking here.