Hui-ā-Motu and Rainbow Te Kahukura hui registrations now open.
Aug. 2, 2022
Te Hautū Kahurangi and Te Toi Ahurangi are tino harikoa to welcome Te Uepū Māori members to register for Hui-ā-Motu 2021 and TEU Rainbow Te Kahukura advisory group is organising a hui for gender diverse TEU members.
Hui-ā-Motu 2021 will be held at Araiteuru Marae Ōtepoti, and runs from Thursday 1 September to Saturday 3 September. Hui-ā-Motu provides both new and established members with an opportunity to connect kanohi ki te kanohi and discuss key issues and opportunities for kaimahi and ākonga Māori.
Registrations close end of day Friday 12 August 2022, so if you’re interested in attending, please contact your Branch President so that you can find out if you are eligible to register.
Meanwhile, the last Rainbow Te Kahukura hui was over four years ago, so it’s time to come together to share stories and support each other. This hui is open to TEU all members of the rainbow community, those who are gender diverse, and those questioning/rainbow members to discuss issues that impact them in their workspaces, in our communities, and within the TEU.
Rainbow Te Kahukura will be held from 4pm on Thursday 15th until 4pm Friday 16th of September at the TEU Wellington Office.
To register for our Rainbow Te Kahukura hui please check in with your branch president to see if you can head to Wellington as your branch rep.
Registrations close end of day Friday 26 August 2022.
Te Koeke Tiriti states that we take actions that seek to improve the lives of the most vulnerable - awhi atu, awhi mai; and ensure there is a place where all can fully participate – tū Kotahi, tū kaha.
If you are unsure who your branch president is, find your branch here.