HealthCarePlus has enhanced its Health & Wellbeing Offer.

As your Union’s health and wellbeing partner, HealthCarePlus is always looking for new ways to support you and your whānau’s health and wellbeing.

For example, a few years ago they added GoodForYou, a free online wellbeing program, to their Primary Care Plan’s benefits. It’s a simple online wellbeing program that provides tools and support to improve your health and wellbeing and rewards you for making healthier choices.

Now they are excited to announce that they are enhancing that wellbeing support even more by giving all Primary Care and Hospital Select plan holders free access to Clearhead’s mental wellbeing platform. It helps you understand why you may be feeling anxious, stressed, tired or down. And it supports you to be proactive and resilient with your mental health.

To find out more about Clearhead and what HealthCarePlus’s enhanced wellbeing offer looks like now, read here.