General/Allied Staff Day is coming up!.

Next Thursday the 28th of July is General/Allied Staff Day – a day when we celebrate the contribution of general and allied staff to tertiary education. In 2022, our theme is pay equity.

In 2022, the TEU is progressing mahi to address the pay inequity experienced by clerical administration and library workers in our universities by raising Gender Pay Equity claims for workers within these groups.

Currently, some starting rates for university qualified library assistants and administrators are below the living wage. Female-dominated mahi in these areas is undervalued and exploited.

It’s time to change this!

There are a range of resources heading out to regional offices for use on General/Allied Staff Day and throughout the Pay Equity campaign including bookmarks, posters, sign-up cards, and pens as well as a Pay Equity Quiz that can be used to add a bit of fun to your events on the day.

Click here to find out more about the TEU’s Pay Equity mahi, and sign up to be an activist in the campaign.