From the Presidents’ desks.

By Tumu Whakarae – Tiriti | National President – Tiriti Dr Julie Douglas

Whether you work in a University, in Te Pūkenga, a Wānanga or elsewhere, this year won't be any easier with the Government's planned changes and de-funding of the sector. Our Council and National Committees are the voice of all our members. We strive for better working conditions, better learning conditions – together.

With TEU Council having met last week and the National Committees coming together this week, members elected to the Union's national bodies are heavily engaged. There is a lot going on – the start of the year is always a good time to strategise, and plan for what’s ahead.

First and foremost, we are currently in the thick of the planning process for setting our goals at the 2025 Annual Conference in May. What comes out of our goals conference will direct the work of the union in the coming years.

In a fortnight, we will be hearing from members at the network general meetings.

We're also growing into our co-governance journey: Council underwent cultural capability training last week.

All of these things play an important role in informing us on how we engage with members and hear your voices on an ongoing basis.

Tātou, tatou e.