Delegate Education in 2024.
Nov. 28, 2023
TEU has been refreshing and updating our member education opportunities, and as part of this programme of work we are trialling an alternative way of registering your interest in attending delegate training. These courses are open to all members who are active in branch committees, campaigns, activities/events, or elected to a national committee. You are entitled to paid time off work to attend these courses.
Level 1 Effective Delegates:
This course is intended to provide guidance on key concepts, structures, and roles within our union, supported by activities to apply the learning back in your workplaces. Topics covered include Te Koeke Tiriti, our whainga [values], and union structures; Tackling issues collectively, and Mapping; Whanaungatanga | Building relationships, and Structured conversations; Building power; What the role of the delegate includes; Understanding your collective agreement; and Getting started in the workplace. Register to the training closest to you.
Wellington region L1 Effective Delegates will be held 9:30am to 4:30pm on Tuesday, 13 February 2024, venue to be confirmed (likely to be TEU, 204 Willis St Wellington). To register please click here.
Palmerston North region L1 Effective Delegates will be held 9:30am to 4:30pm on Wednesday, 14 February 2024, venue to be confirmed). To register please click here.
Auckland region L1 Effective Delegates will be held 9:30am to 4:30pm on Thursday 7 March 2024, venue to be confirmed. To register please click link here.
Level 2 Delegates – Building an Organised Workplace
This is intended for Delegates who have already attended the L1 Effective Delegates course. It builds on skills already developed, further discusses and defines the role of a delegate, how to recognise organising opportunities in the workplace and build union structures, the use of structured conversations, mapping and charting and the development of an action plan.
The course is planned to take two days – a 1-2 hour preparation hui with your local Organiser; a full day kanohi ki te kanohi, then follow up sessions online at regular intervals following the full day.
Topics include a debrief of your L1 Action Plan; building our union, improving structures; developing our delegates, principles for delegates/activists, and Identifying other leaders; conversations with a purpose; importance of whanaungatanga; and development of an organising action plan to undertake back in the workplace.
Auckland region L2 Delegates – Building an Organised Workplace will be held 9:30am to 4:30pm on Thursday, 15 February 2024, venue to be confirmed. To register please click here.
If you have queries about any of the course offerings above, please get in touch with Megan Morris, Te Pou Mātauranga me Te Pou Ahumahi | Education & Industrial Campaigns Officer at
There will be further information in future editions of Tertiary Update for courses scheduled later next year – L1 and L2 in Canterbury in June 2024; L2 in Otago in June 2024 and Waikato in July 2024.