AUT action shifts.
Oct. 5, 2022
Yesterday afternoon, Te Wānanga Aronui O Tamaki Makau Rau | Auckland University of Technology, in a communication to all staff, advised that Te Hautū Kahurangi | Tertiary Education Union members covered by yesterday’s strike notice would be issued with suspension notices applicable for the duration of the strike.
The strike at AUT was a ban on entering or releasing student marks or course marks in to the AUT student management system from 8am on 6 October until 5pm on 21 October. AUT confirmed that they intended to not pay our members for two weeks.
As a result, TEU has withdrawn the previous strike notices at AUT and issued a new one for a four-hour stoppage from 1pm until 5pm tomorrow, 6 October. The previously announced 12pm rally will go ahead as planned.
TEU has been advised that AUT will not take action to suspend, and members’ pay will be unaffected during the strike on Thursday.
Media contact
Enzo Giordani
+64 21 221 4910