Andy Fey.

Learning Designer, Waipapa Taumata Rau

In the coming year, my hope is that we all take many small steps in the right directions. That might sound unglamorous- seeing massive sweeping changes is the dream, after all- but it is how things get done. Many small steps in the right direction add up over time.

We’ve seen this in our own union, with the work over years to increase the presence and elevate the voices of young unionists, and more recently with queer unionists. What most people see are the announcements when something goes right. What often goes unremarked are the many conversations and actions required to make things happen- with members and Branch and networks and beyond. It might not seem like much at the time, but it all matters when an important decision comes up for debate.

I hope that we push through the barrier to progress that is holding ourselves back by saying 'this isn't perfect, so it is not worth doing'. Whether that is voting in an election, advocating for change in a workplace or an organisation, there are many points where it can be tempting to give up. Persist! Even if it isn’t what you’d imagined it would be – once we've proven we can do it, we can go back and do it better next time.

Changing our sector and the world for the better is a long game. One of the most humbling things about being an activist is the realization that the work will outlive you. But it is freeing too. We don't have to fix everything all at once. Those who came before us raise us up- and in time it will be our turn to do the same, our work that will support those who come after us. What foundations are you laying?