AGM season is underway.
Sept. 13, 2022
It’s that time of year again! Te Hautū Kahurangi | Tertiary Education Union branch Annual General Meetings are kicking off up and down Aotearoa. Five have been held so far with over 28 more scheduled to take place over the next three weeks.
One of the first cabs off the rank was Rotorua’s Toi Ohomai branch, which met over club sandwiches, savouries and scones last Friday.
Branch president Vicki Needham described it as a “great event”, the highlights of which included three newly elected members of the branch committee and the korero afterwards. At the conclusion of formal business everyone present chose to stay and chat informally about their upcoming collective agreement negotiations and the state of Te Pūkenga.
Vicki’s AGM report listed, amongst the highlights of the previous year, branch activities such as craftivism, a women’s suffrage celebration, Christmas at the Melting Pot, St Patricks day, ‘Take a tea break’, International Women’s Day and Matariki. Other highlights included members getting to know each other, attending national conference and participating in the TEU’s Te Tiriti rules review.
To close off her report, Vicki said “it is a great time to remind your colleagues that being a TEU member has many benefits – I challenge you all to speak about TEU with your workmates – together we are stronger! Particularly with Te Pūkenga – we have the numbers to make a difference!”
If you are unsure when your local AGM is occuring, contact your branch president.