A single collective agreement for Te Pūkenga.
June 20, 2023
At the end of a two-year process, Te Hautū Kahurangi | Tertiary Education Union is proud to have concluded mahi that has brought 19 collective agreements from the 14 Te Pūkenga subsidiaries together into one document. The new collective agreement, ratified by members at the conclusion of a ballot last Friday week, is now the largest within TEU, covering approximately 2,500 members.
Te Pou Ahurei Takirua – Ahumahi | Assistant National Secretary – Industrial, Irena Brörens describes the new collective agreement as “a major step.”
“It’s a good thing that we have managed to bring our members at Te Pūkenga together in this way. It’s the start of a new journey, working together as one, that will stand us in good stead as we meet the challenges ahead.”
TEU has also initiated bargaining for an allied/general collective agreement to cover members who are not presently covered by the newly ratified collective agreement.
“Of particular note, given the enormous restructuring document currently being consulted on by Te Pūkenga management, is the new, clearer, single change management process that will enable us to have a strong unified voice when cuts are proposed.”
A Working Party between TEU and Te Pūkenga was established in March 2021 with the objective
of consolidating the TEU collective agreements across the Te Pūkenga Divisions. The working party will continue to meet over the course of 2023 so as to continue discussing pay parity, workload, career progression and remuneration, and tikanga and Te Ao Māori provisions.