80 jobs saved at AUT.

Hau Taki Haere | Tertiary Update Vol 27, No 2

Once again, the publication of Tertiary Update coincides with a catastrophic weather event.

And again, we know some of you will be struggling with overwhelming home and work pressure at the moment. As always, we are here to help. Please contact your TEU organiser if you are having any difficulties around work pressures and/or unreasonable instructions from your employer at this challenging time and we will do whatever we can to help.

Following a prolonged legal battle, Te Hautū Kahurangi | Tertiary Education Union has saved 80 academic staff jobs for members who were given notice of compulsory redundancy at Wānanga Aronui O Tamaki Makau Rau | Auckland University of Technology.

In an email to staff last week, Vice Chancellor Damon Salesa confirmed “As you know, AUT embarked on a change proposal with academic staff in 2022 (Group 1). This led to legal proceedings initiated by the TEU and following on from those proceedings, I am pleased to advise that the TEU and representatives from AUT have met and agreed a path forward.”

“At the outset, I wish to unreservedly apologise to staff for the impact this has had on you all. We embarked on this process in good faith, but the academic change proposal for Group 1 (dated 6 September 2022) has now been withdrawn and those staff remain employed. We look forward to working with those staff and all staff to rebuild relationships.”

Meanwhile TEU’s Te Pou Ahurei Takirua – Ahumahi | Assistant National Secretary – Industrial, Irena Brörens says “this is a great outcome for our members at AUT who were facing compulsory redundancy. But most of all it illustrates the value and importance of joining your union.”

Allied staff change proposals are now underway. TEU remains committed to ensuring all employer obligations are honoured throughout any change management process that impacts our members.

Also in this update:

Other stories:

Secondary teachers set date for first national strike – Stuff

Proposed Pay Equity Claim Settlement Agreements Reached For School Librarians And Science Technicians – Scoop

AUT drops redundancy plan – NZ Herald

Ngāi Tūāhuriri says AUT misused te reo Māori to ‘self-promote their interests’ – Stuff