For wages that let everyone thrive, and workloads that let us spend time with families and friends
Join TEU.
Stronger Together: Tātou, tātou e.
Together we are a stronger voice for all tertiary education workers and the important role we play for students, iwi, community, and employers.
TEU is for everyone who works in tertiary education, including universities, polytechnics, wānanga and private training institutions, REAPs and OTEPs. We are a democratic organisation and we stand up together for what we believe in.

Why join TEU?
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For secure jobs, proper professional development, and building respectful workplaces
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For quality teaching, learning, and student support that transforms lives
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For workplaces where we can work together on research and innovation that changes the world
Becoming a member
Learn more about the benefits and costs of joining TEU.
Member benefits
TEU's new Member Benefit Program uses the collective buying power of 180,000 New Zealand union members to negotiate some great deals for you. The program is called Better Off Together and it's managed by HealthCarePlus.
Associate Membership
Associate membership is available to Tertiary Education Union (TEU) members who have retired or who are no longer eligible for full TEU membership.
The annual subscription for TEU membership is 80 cents for every $100 you earn, up to a maximum of $872 (gst inc) per year.

Join TEU today
Together we are a stronger voice for all tertiary education workers and the important role we play for students, iwi, community, and employers.