Pay Equity Win for School Administrators.

From NZEI | Te Riu Roa

School administrators are set to receive a momentous pay increase, recognising the historical undervaluing of their work, should a proposed pay equity settlement be approved in a vote next month by employees covered by the claim.

NZEI | Te Riu Roa raised the pay equity claim with the Ministry of Education in 2018 and together a comprehensive investigation was undertaken, confirming school administrators are paid less than male-dominated workforces performing work of the same value.

The new equitable rates would deliver employees an average increase of approximately 22 per cent.

In real terms, under the proposed settlement, a school administrator currently earning $26.20 per hour would rise to $31.99.

The new rates would be effective from 20 August 2021 which was when the evidence of undervaluation was confirmed by the two parties.

The settlement also includes a commitment to improving professional learning and development and systems of funding school administrators.

NZEI Te Riu Roa National President Liam Rutherford says “this is a life-changing win for the 11,000 school administrators across Aotearoa and was only achieved because union members supported and pursued the claim.”

“The evidence uncovered during the investigation was stark but proved what we already knew – the work of school administrators has been undervalued for a long time because it’s a female-dominated workforce,” says Mr. Rutherford.

“The pay equity process is fundamental in putting that right. School administrators have waited a long time for this moment. This is another step towards ensuring all women in the education sector are fairly paid for the mahi they do.”